It is now time to consider what an eco-friendly or an eco-conscience lifestyle would really look like. Hopefully, the Mind Mapping The Future Project will ignite your imagination and creativity-inspiring you to decide what an eco-friendly and sustainable society would look like on PLANETXXI. It is your future, time to live it. Keep in mind that PLANETXXI is a mirror planet to earth. Most important, PLANETXXI is your blank canvas. What your visions are will fill in the blank space. Design your future now and into 2100. Many of you will still be alive at the turn of the century. Certainly, your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will. What kind of a world will you be leaving to them and entrusting them with? What kind of a role model will you be to them and their future? The survey questions are also meant for you to examine whether or not you want to save planet earth or what life in space or another planet would look like now and into 2100. Are you ready for the End of the Earth if we continue to destroy our planet?

Blank Canvas and Paints

Use Your Blank Canvas on PLANETXXI to Paint Your Future


Have you ever made a Mind Map? Unlike a road map, a Mind Map will let you see where you have been and where you are headed in the future. You now will be asked to make two mind maps. When completed, put them side by side and compare.

The first Mind Map will be for Planet Earth. Start with 2020 and where the state of the earth is now and where it will be in 2100. Track in 10-year increments. First, list the topic you want to cover, such as global warming, glacial epoch, population growth, food supply, energy, water and oceans, waste, pollution, and ozone layer. Add to this list any areas you wish to track. If Planet Earth continues in the destructive direction it is now headed, will Earth be unsustainable and not exist in the future?

The second Mind Map will be focused on starting over on PLANETXXI. What have you learned while living on Planet Earth that you will change or not repeat? Again, in 10-year increments, what would life on PLANETXXI look like in 2100. Here is where you use your blank canvas. Draw on your cosmic powers, and always know that the universe has our back. See you soon on PLANETXXI.
You can Mind Map alone, in a focus group, in your classroom, or with family and friends. If not doing it alone, try and surround yourself only with those who share your vision and concerns for what the future will hold.

This project will take time. Consider it a work in progress. When you have completed your Mind Maps, place them side by side on a wall on in a place where you can see them. Study your Mind Maps frequently and add to them. Share your Mind Maps with others. Use it as your presentation for saving the planet to all those who will listen; after all, it is also their planet and future.

Mind mapping basics

PLANETXXI Survey: Focus on the Future

Eco Friendly Future Questionnaire
Are you ready for the Future?


Contribute to the Future Now! Visit our GoFundMe:  

Focus: Future Careers 2100

While the 21st Century is very exciting, especially for Space Travelers, there will be many challenges, changes and opportunities for those who can see into the future. Will you be prepared and ready? Will your children be ready for the future a new world of cosmic careers? Well, this is your time to start stepping into a career of the future that is now facing you. Open your eyes, The Future is Now!

1. Become a Futurist. Did you know that Ford Motors has a full time famous futurist on staff? Her job is to forecast tends and look towards the future and what is projected and looks like. Hybrid cars are already a thing of the past. What will 20 years ahead look like?? What will 50 years ahead hold?? Do you have what it takes to be a Futurist for a forward thinking corporation? Apply Now! Google Klien Vision Slovakia…..they have already just introduced an air car that transforms and converts for land and sky 20,000 feet high. Watch video. Cool. Is America behind the times?

2. Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin has just posted a job looking to hire a developer of habitable space stations….including homes and hotels in space. Are you ready to apply?

If the sky is the limit and nothing is impossible….than create your perfect future career. However, you must keep ahead of space-go-getters. How will the food industry supply space travelers with food? Where will waste go, and water come from? What energy will fuel electricity? How will you get an oxygen supply? What will be your mode of transportation? Will it be ion fused? So many questions. So many career opportunities. Will you be the one or the brains behind invention for space life now and before 2100?

If so, than PLANETXXI.TV is the perfect platform for the world and universe to see and here from you!
CreatetheFuture@PLANETXXI.TV. Tell us now.

The End of Earth 2100

Many of us see our world is disappearing before us. Many believe that Planet Earth will cease to exist by 2100. You are the only one that can save the planet. Will You? I have listed two of the most important and profound environmental books of our time to read and consider where our future is headed. Will Earth survive?


Bill gives solutions we have and the breakthroughs we need to save planet Earth from environmental crises. 

#1 New York Time Best Seller David Wallace Wells
“The Uninhabital Earth is the most terrifying book I ever read.” Farhad Manjoo, New York Times
“Powerfully argued…….. a masterly analysis of why …… with a world of solutions………We choose doom.”

Paul K. Conkin, Award Winning Historian and Professor Emeritus of History
Vandebuilt University
“Conkin presents a clearly written discussion of numerous environmental concerns facing humans.”

Will Earth exist in 2100?

Countdown Planet Earth

PLANETXXI Is Your New World Of The Future. All Earthlings  and Extraterrestrials are Welcomed!




Have you signed up yet as a PLANETXXI Cybernaut and are you ready to explore the future together? If not sign up now as a Cybernaut at CyberCity PLANETXXI. Membership is only open to those 13 and older unless a parent signs up for you.
Please see Terms and Agreement.

These are just a few of eco challenges for you to consider. Maybe you have your own eco challenges or obstacles to overcome. Remember that PLANETXXI is your blank canvas for your imagination. Please go back and review topics listed on the page Cyber Challenge: Create Eco The City of the Future. There you will find a list of areas you might decide and want to focus your time and energy on as you create the future. Everything is needed and necessary on the planet.

Remember the inspiring words from Napoleon Hill, "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve."


Only parents are allowed to sign for any Jr. Cybernaut 13 and under. Must read and adhere Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.